Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Lu H.
March 03, 2018

AC Nerds provided great service at a very fair price. I moved into a home where the previous owner had upgraded the system, which was great, but the add-ons caused a leak and other problems were found. Justin repaired the plenum, replaced duct work and took out the add-ons. Justin was always on time, and always cleaned any mess. Now my house is comfortable and much more energy efficient.

Nate C.
January 17, 2018

I was looking for someone to install a reme halo. After calling around I got a hold of Justin. He came out to install my reme halo, same day! Great attitude and great work.

Issac I.
September 03, 2017

They are very polite people and they answer all of your questions, but I had to pay $75 for their inspection. I understand the fee came from Home Warranty of America policy, but they did not fix anything. It was just an inspection.

Peter R.
August 03, 2017

Justin is superb. I have used him more than a handful of times on various properties. I am always appreciative that he a) gets it fixed, and b) walks me through exactly what was happening, my options, and c) does it for a very reasonable price. He is easy to communicate with and has successfully handled my HVAC issues, big and small. Definitely my go-to.

Meg B.
June 25, 2017

Our A/C went out on Friday afternoon, and my home warranty company said AC Nerds would call me within 24 hours. Since it was a 104 degree day and I have a toddler at home, I called AC Nerds immediately and left a message. We found another company with an on-call service who was able to come out Saturday morning. It's Sunday and I still haven't heard back from AC Nerds.

Pamela R.
March 30, 2017

Justin is great! He is professional, polite, reliable and responsive. But best of all, he knows his stuff!! I have used Justin for AC issues at several residential lease properties over the last couple of years, as well as my own AC. He always responds the same day and usually comes out the same day if possible. His diagnostics have always been accurate. His prices are fair and he works hard to give you options if the budget is limited. He is also knowledgeable about parts warranties. I trust Justin and his work. I will continue to use him and recommend him!

New York, NY
December 4, 2016

Justin is easy to work with. Professional, knowledgeable, reliable, courteous, considerate, proactive in offering helpful advice/service, and fairly priced. No contractor headaches with Justin! Justin went out of his way to buy a RGF REME HVAC HALO 24V Air Purification System Light for us, at his AC dealership. You have to be licensed to purchase it there. He only charged us his purchase price, and his hourly rate to install it. This saved us several hundred dollars over the bigger AC service company that we called for a price quote. During the same visit, Justin for a reasonable $40.00, cleaned out our AC line, and showed us how to do it. Advising us on vinegar versus bleach. Because bleach can damage certain metal coils, etc. And, showed us the whole process. Justin is a breath of fresh air, compared to the contractors from Heck, we've had to hassle with.

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We are licensed professionals certified in Heat & Air conditioning repair. With over 11 years of experience, we proudly service central Texas.

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8 am to 8 pm

Emergency Service: 24 - 7

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